Monday, February 04, 2008

A New Outline - Successful Screenwriter

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This is part of a new thread outlining my book. This subject will be covered regularly so please, visit often.
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Successful Screenwriter
A New Outline

"To be a movie star, you have to invent yourself. " - Michael Caine

Words of wisdom from one of our most recognizable movie stars.

As a screenwriter there is not a day that does go by where somebody tells me that I should write a screenplay of their life. What I’ve learned is that we all write the screenplay of our own lives with every choice, every decision, with every thought, and with every action. I know this is especially true for the screenplay of my life, that as with any other screenplay, I edit, I revise, I refine, write, and rewrite… and sometimes even just rip it up and start over.

Today I encourage you to change the title of your life screenplay to Successful Screenwriter. I encourage you to creatively and ambitiously invent yourself, or reinvent yourself, as a successful screenwriter.

Depending where you are in this screenplay already, I encourage you to edit, revise, refine, write for the first time, rewrite, or even just rip up your old one and start over. Create a rough outline of your life script, without edit or limit. Be imaginative and creative, not worrying about how you will actually bring it about. To worry, or to think about, how you may actually make it happen during this stage, can only overwhelm you and cause you to write something less ambitious than what you truly desire and deserve.

This is an excerpt from a book I am currently writing. No part of this may be redistributed in any form without the authors express written permission.